Morningside's Web Publishing Services

Web Publishing

  • WWW Site Design, Hosting & Maintenance ;
    Morningside will help you to design an Internet website appropriate to your immediate and longer term needs - a site that can grow as the Internet itself grows. We can provide a low cost hosting service for your website and update the site with changes and extensions as your business changes. Refer here for Morningside's website design principles.

  • Web page authoring and page creation;
    Morningside's Internet and publishing experience ensures that each of our clients obtain a website that is designed to reflect the qualities and "image" that you specify for your business. Our service is aimed at enhancing your business; we see your website as only one step (albeit an important one) in achieving this.

  • Internet Marketing/Promotion ;
    Morningside considers that the marketing and promotion of your website is as important (if not more so) as its design and appearance. Unless your target market knows of the existence of your website, you will not do any business through it. Marketing of your website involves its submission to the Internet catalogues ("search engines") and its direct promotion through newsgroups, email campaigns and reciprocal linkage with other, related websites. Many local web page writers ignore this process and their clients accordingly do little business through their Internet presence.

    For tourism related businesses, Morningside offers a unique promotional vehicle through linkages with its TravelSouth tourism suite of websites. Many readers interested in our region make their travel decisions when reading our TravelSouth websites, from which they can easily link to Morningside's tourism clients. In the last 12 months, TravelSouth site is attracted over 500,000 unique visitors, making it by far the most widely read Internet tourism site on the South Coast. See stats here.

    For businesses whose markets are mostly local or regional, Morningside offers a unique marketing facility through its local community and commercial websites which promote our individual towns and communities to the Internet and which provide direct links to the businesses and services available in each community.

    Morningside, through its extensive experience in Web Publishing, know all of the techniques and methods relevant to promoting a website to ensure that it achieves maximum visibility on the Internet.

    Take this link for more detail on Morningside's website promotion procedures.

    All of Morningside's clients receive access to a "counter" which records the number of visitors to their website. This is valuable in assessing the success of site promotion activities, so that you can see what works and what doesn't.

    Analysing a website counter

  • Forms and other cgi based Perl programming ;
    The collection of information from the readers of your pages (messages, ordering information, credit card details etc) is achieved by way of "forms" included on your website and "cgi programs" which receive and process the information supplied by the reader on these forms.

    Typical uses of these forms/cgi programs are for "Guest Books" (where readers can leave their contact details); password protection of certain websites; specialised message and information collection forms and on line ordering of products and services.

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